lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017



  1. Decreto 54/2014, de 10/07/2014, Educación Primaria en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha.
  2. Esnoz Jiménez, Laura, 2013. “Propuesta de mejora de la fonética inglesa en alumnos castellano-hablantes de 6º curso de Primaria.” Universidad Internacional de La Rioja.
  3. Lewis, Jack Windsor (ed.), 1995. Studies in General and English Phonetics. London: Routledge. 
  4. Ortiz-Lira, Héctor, 1995. ‘Nucleus placement in English and Spanish: a pilot study’. In Lewis 1995. Wells, J.C., 1982. Accents of English. Three volumes. Cambridge University Press
  5. Wells, J. C. (2005). Goals in teaching English pronunciation. In K. Dziubalska-Kołaczyk & J. Przedlacka (Eds.), English pronunciation models: A changing scene. Bern: Peter Lang. Retrieved from


Our project is based on creating a handmade book of values and phonics focused in Tricky Words for Primary Education. 
We strongly believe in this new resource that we have designed because we think the learning of phonics  and the acquirement of values are essential for learning the target language in a proper way. This is an useful tool to teach our children right values in class while they are acquiring the right pronunciation "indirectly".
Young learners will enjoy with our story "Mark and Magic Magnus" while they are learning phonics, the four main skills and values. 
Our goal with this project is that our students acquire the target language being able to speak it.
When we were creating the story, we realized the importance that values have in education, for this reason, we decided to add them in our book. 

Finally, our book could be set aside for every grade of Primary Education, because it can be adapted for every age. But at first, with any adaptation we wholeheartedly believe that including this resource as a reinforcement of the language in 4th grade it would be fine.

domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2017








1. To implement basic strategies from previous knowledge before reading a text, making predictions based on visual support.
2. To identify sociocultural aspects.
3. To apply significant sociocultural aspects previously acquired.
4. To understand instructions, indications and basic information from a text.
5. To be able to write short and simple texts.
6. To be able to answer questions about topics worked in the book.
7. To be able to produce written texts.
8. To be capable of pronounce words in a proper intonationand rhythm.
9. To recognize the pronunciation od diphthongs /ai/,/ei/,/au/,/ou/,/oi/,
10. To analyze the different words that always are written with capital letters (Days of the Week)
11. To be able to reproduce through drawing abstract things (their feelings).
12. To be able to identify yourself. The knowledge of your own personality, feelings and emotions.
13. To have confidence on your own capacities.
14. To be responsible.
15. To be able to respect and value the others. The empathy. The comprehension of the others.
16. To acquire social abilities.
17. The reinforcement of motivation.
18. The cooperation to use strategies to hel others.
19. To use strategies of emotional self-regulation.
20. To be able to communicate, write, listen and read.

martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017


We have created our story "Mark and Magic Magnus" focused in phonetics using "Tricky Words"  for students of Primary Education.

"Are words that do not play by the rules"

I:  /aɪ/                         Some: /sʌm/             Only: /ˈəʊnlɪ/               Were: /wɜː/
Are: /ɑː/                     By: /baɪ/                    Old: /əʊld/                  Four:  /fɔː/
Go:  /ɡəʊ/                  Be:  /biː/                   Many: /ˈmɛnɪ/              Why: /waɪ/
The: /ðiː/                    Said: /sɛd/                Should: /ʃʊd/               Because:  /bɪˈkɒz/
All:  /ɔːl/                      Like: /laɪk/                Little: /ˈlɪtəl/                 Goes: /ɡuːs/
No: /nəʊ/                    Was: /wɒz/               More: /mɔː/                 Who: /huː/
He: /hiː/                      Here: /hɪə/                Down: /daʊn/              Saw: /sɔː/
So: /səʊ/                    Have: /hæv/             Before: /bɪˈfɔː/             Make:  /meɪk/
She: /ʃiː/                     To: /tuː/                    Right:  /raɪt/                 Which: /wɪtʃ/
Your: /jɔː/                   There: /ðɛə/             What:  /wɒt/                Put: /wɪtʃ/
My: /maɪ/                    Live: /lɪv/                  Other: /ˈʌðə/               Their: /ðɛə/
Me: /miː/                     Do: /duː/                  Two: /tuː/
Come: /kʌm/               They: /ðeɪ/               When: /wɛn/
One: /wʌn/                 Give: /ɡɪv/                 Where: /wɛə/



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María Cordero Guijarro:
Silvia García Rodríguez:
María Matilla Torres:ía-matilla-a39664154/


We are going to share some websites for teaching phonics, values and tricky words!

These are our topics in which we have focused in our story "Mark and Magic Magnus"!

 These webs are useful for teachers, students and parents. 


This website is a tool for helping teachers and parents to save time finding excellent online educational resources. You can select the age (3-5/ 5-7/ 7-11/ 11-14) and the topic, in our case we have selected Phonics because we are in the way to                                                                      learn them. 


Through the use of phonics, kids learn how to read, analyze sounds, and spell new words. At the Turtle Diary, we offer a variety of phonic games to help our students to understand  better the sounds of the English language. Our collection of online phonics games includes 'Phonics Memory', 'Phonic Sound' and 'Phonic Train,' to name a few. The aim of all of them is to help kids build their language skills. Through these online phonic games , students will achieve a deeper understanding of the relationship between letters and sounds also, while  having fun.


Phonics games will help your child to practise sounding out words, which will help them reading. Initially, children will learn basic letter sounds, such as "c-a-t" for "cat". Later, they will move on to more complex sounds  such as "th", "sh" and "ch", then "oo", "oa"... Once they have adquired a few basic letter sounds, they will be able to work out what a written word says for themselves, a skill which they will be very proud to show off!
Follow the links below to the free phonics games. Your child will have lots of fun while developing their phonic knowledge and skills.


In this website you will find resources for teachers, children, e-books, parents, TDAH, education, and It has a "Phonics Corner" In which you can find Phonemic Charts, Phonic resources, Phonics games. Very interesting for our students to practice sounds. 


Young learners of English will enjoy LearnEnglish Kids: Phonics Stories, a phonics-based, interactive storybook app that features audio narration and fun games. The story follows super space spies Sam and Pam as they arrive on Earth and learn how to speak and                                               spell English words.


Our range of activities to support tricky words and common exceptions words for Key Stage 1 English students. It is used for mastering advanced graphemes and spellings and it contains tricky words bingo, tricky words games, activity mats and letter formation mats.


This Jolly Learnng Website brings  us a lot of ways to learn tricky words :

1. Look, Cover, Write and Check. Look at the word to see which bit is tricky. Ask the child to try writing the word in the air saying the letters. Cover the word over and see if the child can write it correctly. Check to make sure.
2. Say it as it sounds. Say the word so each sound is heard. For instance, the word was is said was “wass”, to rhyme with mass, the word Monday is said as Mon-day.
3. Mnemonics. The initial letter of each word in a saying gives the correct spelling of a word. For instance, laugh – Laugh At Ugly Goat´s Hair.
4. Using joined-up writing also improves spelling.


This blog brings us seven ways to teach values to our students. 
"Have you ever tried to lecture your children on the importance of empathy, cooperation, and kindness? Older kids tune out faster than you can say "b-o-o-o-o-o-ring." Younger children don't understand what you're talking about. Luckily, teaching kids values doesn't have to be a dull experience. Here there are seven ways to do it without preaching or nagging."


In this Blog we can find ten useful ways to teach our children right values.
1. Model good values
2. Apologize to your children when you make mistakes
3. Use everyday experiences as a springboard for conversation
4. Read with your children
5. Share your personal experiences
6. Hold your children accountable for their mistakes
7. Don’t let your children take the easy way out of challenges


This is a video that contains some "Tricky Words"  in which children repeat the sound of these words and they learn how to say it in a proper way.


A tricky word/sight word song for children covering the, I, go, no, to, she, he and we. This video is an incredible tool for children to learn how to say in the correct way "Tricky Words" . They have to sing the song while they are having fun!


  Car soundBLOG’S PRESENTATIONBee sound

We are María Cordero, María Matilla and Silvia García! bee
Our intention with this Blog “Funny Phonics” is teaching primary students phonetics in a “Funny” way. 
Nowadays, there is a current debate about teaching English phonics for students learning English as a target language. Do we want our students to learn English as a second, foreign or international language? From our point of view, we wish our students to acquire this target language as an international onebeing able to speak both with natives or non-natives speakers. In addition, this is the point we find so necessary learning phonics, avoiding all usual challenges students undergo learning this part of the language.
This project is intended to outline common issues students have when learning phonics and make new resources that could help to deal with these. Our project is based on designing a book of phonics for Primary School Education students, who learn English as a target language.
We hope you like it! Welcome to : 
funny phonics tittle